Saturday, 29 October 2011

Fight Childhood Obesity With This Plan

If you want to help your child fight obesity, you’ve got to have a plan. Overweight or obese children often suffer in one way or another. Obesity can cause physical, emotional and mental pain and you hate to see your child experience that. So start a plan now, and get the whole family involved, to combat childhood obesity once and for all.Remind your child that no matter what, they are not alone. They need to know that you’re in this with them and that you’re proud of them no matter what. Positive reinforcement goes a really long way with a child.To start making healthy changes, you have to incorporate a nutritional diet and kids’ exercise. Instead of giving your child chips and cookies for a snack, have him eat an apple or carrot sticks. Prepare healthy meals that include lots of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains.Learn to read nutrition labels and learn which ingredients are harmful to your child’s health. Anything with MSG, aspartame, and too much sugar or salt should be avoided. If you don’t buy the bad foods, your child is less likely to eat them. It’s a good idea to take your child to the grocery store with you to explain the difference between healthy and unhealthy choices.It doesn’t hurt for your child to have sweets or salty snacks occasionally, but if you’re trying to help them lose weight you should really cut back on those foods. A good idea is to choose one day a week for them to have a dessert of their choice. That gives them something to look forward to instead of making desserts a daily occurrence.Kids’ exercise is also necessary for children to lose weight. Make sure they are exercising 30-60 minutes every day. Exercise can include lots of activities, such as an organized sport, biking around the neighborhood, walking the dog or even playing some kids’ indoor games.Exercising should be a fun family activity, not a dreaded time when your kids are constantly watching the clock, eager to do something else. The whole family should participate, instead of just requiring the overweight child to exercise. Kids will want to exercise more if they see their parents joining in the fun.In many cases, there’s more to being overweight than just bad eating and lack of exercise. There are underlying issues that need to be addressed. These could include a divorce, a death in the family or if the child feels they are not accepted by loved ones. In cases like this it is best to seek counseling from a therapist or church counselor. They will help the child understand why they turn to food for comfort and how they can redirect their methods for coping. The parents should be involved in any counseling so they can know how to help.No matter how many members of your family have issues with weight, these solutions can work for everyone. Be supportive and encourage each other to make healthier decisions. A plan like this will surely end childhood obesity in your home.

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