Saturday, 29 October 2011

Emotional Affairs – The Horrible Truth

While just about any affair will be devastating to you, emotional affairs are in some ways more potent than the typical sexual fling. Even though the visual thought of your partner participating in sex with someone else is very shocking, discovering that they’ve offered their heart and feelings to someone else throws you into the stomach twisting depths of painful betrayal and loss.

What Makes An Emotional Affair Painful

What can make an emotional affair substantially more painful is its elusive nature. Whenever your spouse has had intercourse with someone else, there exists a sort of finality about it. I mean, if they have done the misdeed then you will have to make some choices, of either to work through it, or to leave.

With emotional cheating, it proves to be a lot more difficult as nothing physical has actually happened so it becomes almost impossible to accuse, confront or prove. Yet, if you are on the receiving end it can be truly upsetting.

With the incredible rise of people hooking up over the internet, it has actually stemmed, or at least amplified the number of emotional affairs. Due to the anonymity offered online, it has allowed us to be at our most open and susceptible, and share our most private thoughts, problems and desires.

Being able to share our feelings in such an uncensored manner by it’s very nature can create a bond with a stranger. This is often followed by real feelings as the contact and emotional connection grows between the two involved.

But what are you to do if you’re faced with a spouse or partner who you suspect is emotionally involved with someone else?

It’s easy to say talk about the affair with your spouse but some can’t manage that early after finding out about the affair

Some tips on what not to do.

The biggest mistake you can make is to start accusing and meltdown into flaming confrontations. This will have the opposite effect of what you want. Since there has been no physical contact it is very easy for him/her to deny anything going on.

Instead of hammering them with questions, or demanding to get assurance, or making strict requests etc, you need to work on the one thing that will help him/her snap out of this bubble of emotional infidelity. And that is to make yourself more wanted.

You do that by improving yourself, by spending quality time with them and by rekindling all the areas of your relationship that made your partner fall in love with you in the first place.
While affairs are difficult, it is a chance for you to grow yourself. It will pay off in spades now and for the rest of your life.

If you want to find out the exact ways you can cope with your own emotional affair situation, I suggest that you take a look at the webpage

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