Saturday, 29 October 2011

Few Words About JAVA Certification

In April of 2009, Oracle Corp. announced that it would be acquiring Sun (renamed Oracle America after the acquisition was completed in January of 2010). Since that time and directly contrary to Oracle Corp.’s public actions and statements, as well as its own proposals as an executive member of the JCP, Oracle Corp. and Sun (now Oracle America) have ignored the open source community’s requests to fully open-source the Java platform.

With Oracle just after buying Sun, maybe it’s time to consider what this means for the Java community. There’s no doubt that enterprise Java is something that Oracle have huge interest in, and will probably help nudge this along. Two things that I would really like to see are continued, and improved, investment into Java on the client side, as well as getting things back on track for Java 7.

In a press release on 20 May 1999 IBM, Novell, Oracle, Sun Microsystems and the Sun-Netscape Alliance announced a collaboration to establish a standard for recognition of Java skills.

In the short term this probably does not affect most people as the current Java Certified Programmers exam remains the pre-requisite for all of the other exams. This new alliance does seem to be very good news however in that a wider recognition of the certification exam means it should become more valuable.

The announcement also introduces some vendor specific exams, so after you have passed the Programmer Exam you can take a test to show your knowledge of a particular development tool such as IBM Visual Age or Oracle JDeveloper.

For the moment Sun have three Java Certifications, programmer and developer and architect. The programmer certification tests basic understanding of the language and is entirely exam assessed.

The developer certification tests for advanced Java knowledge and comprises a programming assignment and then answering questions about your design. IBM also has the Certified Visual Age for Java Object-Oriented Associate Developer. This involves two multiple choice tests. The one is the Sun Certified Java Programmer test and the other is a test on Visual Age for Java. A new outfit has come onto the scene doing Java testing.

The Architects exam seems to be aimed at training you up to be a Java evangelist, i.e. why Java/Corba is the one true way and why activeX, com/dcom is the work of the devil.

Skill-Guru, which is platform for teachers and experts to create market and sell practice tests and questions. Find out some good quality Java interview Questions for further practice.

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