Monday, 9 January 2012

One of The Many Causes of Hair Loss – Genetic Factors

There are many causes of hair loss. Some of the major causes are stress, hormonal imbalance, illness and old age. While genetic causes of hair loss and old age can often lead to permanent balding of the head – hormonal balance, stress and illness cause temporary loss of hair. The good news is, if you are suffering from loss of hair due to genetic anomalies or old age, the condition can still actually be reversed using proper treatments. Being in your fifties does not necessarily mean going bald after all. If the cause of the loss of hair is genetic, treating it with hair growing shampoos or creams may not work at all — although the use of such shampoos and creams can slow down the speed in which the hair loss occurs. But you should not expect the hair to grow back as before. The genes that a person has define how the body behaves, so using shampoos and creams won’t effectively stimulate the growing of the hair back.

What treatment can you use then to resolve hair loss due to genetic factors? You may try these two alternative options. The first one is to accept reality that your hair is balding and move on with your life. Balding doesn’t always have to be met with such contempt. It is not as much as a disgrace when it happens to men compared when women face the same problem. Some people don’t mind being bald when they reach the age of sixty, as it is still being accepted as the norm. Many famous actors are bald, yet people don’t seem to be bothered by this fact. Just because you are bald, it does not mean that you can’t still be stylish, looking good and being adored by others. The second option is to undergo hair transplant. If you are balding due to genetic factors, hair transplant will be the best option to resolve the dreaded problem. However, not every hair loss condition can be saved using hair transplant. To make it work, the person who wants to do it must still have many healthy hairs on the scalp. Hair transplant works its magic of restoring hair on your head by harvesting the few healthy hairs left and plant them on the bald parts of the head. If your balding is at a serious stage, for the transplant, you can also use hair of other people — though the rate of success will be a lot less compared to using your own hair. Jessica Tanady loves to write articles since 4 years ago, both offline and online. While she’s keen on topics of beauty, fitness and weight loss, she has demonstrated her writing skills on a wide array of topics. Visit her latest articles on honeywell humidifier filter which reviews and discuss about slant fin humidifier.

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