Sunday, 15 January 2012

Online Detectives Are Today's New Breed Of Cyber Investigators

On the internet, is there really private detectives that are available? This would be like a gum shoe, Private Eye, of the internet or cyber worlds Can’t you just envision the old Dick Tracy movies with the smoke filled rooms?

Just to see what is out there, do a Google search for internet detective or cyber detective and you will find a lot of ads and websites appear for doing online investigations yourself but almost nothing about private detective services. Quite frankly, this occurs since there has just been little need for true private investors to work on client cases… until now.

When you are trying to do a simple thing like find an old class mate or extract similar information online, then you are luck because there is many services that can help you.. So, to provide the most popular example, NetDetective lets you track down people starting with a variety of information such as name, location, schools attended, etc. As was copied directly from their website, the will allow you to uncover information about a wide variety of people including your boss and friends.”

In the right situation, this kind of service is truly quite helpful but it does not solve the need of a lot of people: to find, stop, or litigate against someone who is truly doing something bad to you online. Obvioulsy, this is a different kind of cyber investigation altogether.

In this particular case, they were being attacked by people that they had done business with over the last couple of years The nature of these internet assaults was really unfair and cruel with post to both social media sites and blogs. Things were getting so bad that it was really ruining this client’s business and social life.

Obviously attorney’s are quite proficient in stopping and seeking damages when an attacker is identified and it can be proven. But what is difficult is that most of these attacks are cloaked behind the secrecy of the internet, private passwords, etc. While law firms retain the legal staff to take action, they typically do not have the cyber investigative abilities necessary to stop the person.

Similarly, local law enforcement is unlikely to get involved unless there is clear evidence of an implied physical threat.

So in this type of case, it is not clear what the client needs to do. This kind of desperation can really leave a victim at wits end since they are being destroyed by the attacker and it seems there is nothing they can do. They feel like there is absolutely no place to turn to to get help.

Fortunately there is a place to turn if the client can find the services of an online detective that can then guide them, collect appropriate evidence, and if necessary, work with their attorney in putting an end to their problems.

Clearly, there is a major difference between those that simply need to find a friend and those that need to find a full fledged, online private detective agency. Both have their time and place but if you are being attacked online, then you will absolutely want to get help from an internet detective agency.

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