Sunday, 8 January 2012

Olympic Gymnastics and You

If you’ve been watching the Olympics, and who hasn’t, than you’re sure to have witnessed a least some of the various gymnastic events. There is no question about the strength and skill of these athletes. They are the best in the world competing for the gold after all.But there’s nothing mystical or magical about what they’re doing. The various moves they pull of whether on the rings, the floor or bars is a result of practice, practice, practice.Obviously only a few people can compete on the level of Olympic gymnasts. That’s what makes it the Olympics. However, everyone could benefit from doing the most basic of gymnastic moves for exercise.It use to be only those who started gymnastics at an early age could ever tumble or hold a handstand. Also those who happen to run away and join the circus.But now gymnastic and acrobatic moves are open to everyone, not just the professionals. Although full twisting backflips may be out of the reach of most, people would benefit from basic moves like a handstand or rolling around.

Take this test. Can you do the following three moves? They aren’t even close to Olympic level. In fact, everyone should be capable of pulling these moves off with ease.The first is a forward roll or somersault. Crouch down and place your hands on the floor. Tuck you chin down to your neck and round your back. Roll over the back of your head and come back to your feet. How did you fair?From the same crouched position we are going to do a backwards roll. This one proves trickier for most. Move your hands up towards your ears still keeping your palms flat. Roll back on a rounded back. When you come to your head use your hands to ease the pressure of your head and get over onto your feet. Could you do it?The third move is different. It’s hand stands. But we are going to take the balance out of it, even though advanced acrobats can balance easily on a single hand. Find an open flat wall. Place both hands on the ground shoulder width apart. Keeping the arms locked, kick-up with your legs so that they come overhead. Hold the handstand position. Did you get this one? And for how long?

These three simple moves and many more would give you a variety of benefits from strength, mobility, agility and flexibility. It really about if you can move like you should be able to move. Perhaps the gymnasts are on to something.

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