My name is Koki Kubo, CPA. I was introduced to the concept called attraction marketing where you position yourself as an expert by providing solutions through a product or newsletter. An attraction marketer is a leader who trains and instructs others. Try to be a trusted advisor. In reality, if you can’t sell yourself, don’t even bother to bring up your business opportunity. The goal of your marketing efforts is to get your prospects to give you their contact information. In order for people to give you their contact information, you have to give them some valuable information. Building your prospect list is very important. If you build a huge qualified list, you will have a huge business.Own your website. A website is the place for your prospect to request information from you. You must give them value before you show them your opportunity. Make an offer that meets their needs, solve their problems, understand their doubt and their resistance and answer their questions honestly. Utilize social media to generate traffic to your website. Think what you could be doing on Facebook and Twitter to build your business, but don’t promise things that are not real.Educate your prospect utilizing your blogs and newsletters. Put systems in place that your prospects feel they can benefit from. Have retail products available for sale online. Create a system where you no longer have to personally sell. People want to be told exactly how to do it. They want to have everything laid out for them in simple steps. Make them believe that you are the leader who can help them to get what they want. If someone comes to you instead of you chasing them, they are ready to buy. You don’t need to push to sell. It is known as true leverage in Network Marketing career. After you built relationship with them, you can introduce your business. You can find a large number of customers and potential business partners by using social media.Blogging is one of the fastest ways to create a prospects list and branding you as a trusted advisor. You give away valuable content and information to people. If the information is valuable and relevant, your value in the market place will increase. If you can’t convert your visitors into buyers, none of the other steps even matter. Sell people “how” not “what,” but remember, you can’t build large organization with online by itself. The phone is the key that holds the organization together. Spend time with achievers not with talkers. You only work with people you want to work with. It’s only true if you have a lot of people to work with. Combining real human interaction and automated system is powerful. Show them how to duplicate the system. Educate your potential prospects instead of offering your products and opportunities.People are looking for solutions, not opportunities. Listen to them instead of giving a reason to join. Don’t sell harder, but market smarter. Sell your solutions, tell your experiences and give them recommendations. People love to buy on their own, but they don’t like to be sold. The reason why people join Network Marketing is to make money, save time, improve health and increase pleasure. The desire to avoid pain is greater than the desire to attain pleasure. Your prospects only buy from people that they know, like and trust. To be successful, you have to learn how to combine online technology and offline relationship together.If you liked my article, there is something else I think you will find very useful. I’ve used it to attract to my own business online. Click here to find out more about it.
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