Sunday, 21 August 2011

Autism’s Common Symptoms

While the symptoms of autism can vary widely, the parents of an autistic child tend to know when something isn’t quite right. So it takes testing and an expert diagnosis to verify if someone is autistic or has another developmental disability that may have similar symptoms. Keep reading to learn a little bit about autism symptoms – the more common ones, and even still these symptoms can be manifest differently in children.Our first symptom concerns the way the child moves, carries himself, walks, and makes certain facial expressions – they all tend to be somewhat unusual and unique. It is typical for autistic people to not respond in the way that others generally expect. There is a lack of absense of emotional communication such as smiling and other expressions of emotions. While some people believe that autistic people do not have emotions, this isn’t true. The autistic child will express emotions, the thing about it is that it’s just done differently and in a manner that we’re not used to seeing. Other symptoms include the repetition of peculiar movements, and then other movements that are not repetitious but still unusual.

Some of these symptoms can be quite disturbing such as engaging in self-destructive behavior. Some of these autistic children will cause personal harm with dangerous objects, by hitting themselves, or banging their heads although not all of them. You cannot leave these children to play by themselves. Since it is difficult to communicate with autistic children verbally, in some cases they must by physically restrained or medicated to prevent them from doing damage to themselves or others. Many autistic children with these tendencies are institutionalized, as their parents are unable to take care of their special needs. Not all children who display these symptoms are autistic which is why professional diagnosis is necessary.Some autistic children show remarkable talents, and that is true of autistic adults as well. Maybe you have heard of the phrase, autistic savant? Some of the more well-known talents are in areas of math, music, and even painting.These autistic savants used to be callously called “idiot savants,” and that was a bit of a cruel name to call them. The current understanding about autism is they possess normal intelligence, even higher than normal, yet something is wrong that causes them to process reality in a different manner than the rest of us. Yet, this is not always the case, as some autistic people also have mental retardation. Part of the utterly compelling nature of autistic savants is their extreme abilities appear totally natural because they have not ever had any kind of education or training, etc. You have just read about some typical autistic symptoms that many times are seen in early life. The range of symptoms is different from one person to the next, and that is why any treatment for this condition must be constructed based on that person’s particular symptoms and situation. Autism research has been an ongoing concern for many years, and obviously more needs to be done so the disease can be unraveled and understood.Stacy loves to write on family topics Be sure to visit and learn more about Eulogy,

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autism, children, family,

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