Sunday, 28 August 2011

Automotive Live Chat The Most Beneficial And Overlooked Automotive Lead Generation Tool

Using Automotive Live Chat is highly underrated. As a dealer, surely you agree that the #1 goal of a successful dealership is getting sales. Additionally you probably acknowledge that the majority of these sales come from third party automotive lead generation. Though it is much more convenient to obtain these leads, how many times have you called a third party lead and found it to be bogus or invalid? The best and most effective leads come from your very own dealer website. If you are not capitalizing on these leads, you are missing out on hundreds of opportunities to get the most out of the best automotive lead generation tool – your own website.

Adding automotive live chat software to your website enables you to accomplish two goals with one interactive method. First, it gives you the ability to answer your website visitors’ questions immediately. This instant form of customer service enables you to jump right in and take care of your potential customers before they even enter your showroom. It also enables you to take automotive lead generation into your own hands and produce quality leads from customers who are ready to buy.

Second, automotive live chat software provides a proven successful system of capturing new leads. Your sales force then has the opportunity to convert these auto leads into sales. After the car chat operator answers the questions that the website visitor has, the next logical step is for the operator to schedule a test drive of the vehicle. Scheduling a test-drive appointment allows you to bring the customer service to the next level as the vehicle can be prepared, ready, and waiting for the customer when they arrive at the physical dealership location.

A lead that is generated directly from a dealership website always has a higher quality and a better chance of converting into a sale. Visitors to your website have one benefit in common over other leads from 3rd party automotive lead generation sources: There are interested in what you are selling. You’ve already conquered half the battle! Implementing an automotive live chat function such as Car Chat 24 on your website allows you to capture high quality leads without spending a lot of extra money.

A new era of technology and intelligent search abilities has been born and your customers are living in it. Web 3.0 has emerged and your business is operating in a Web 3.0 world. Creating the best customer service experience possible can mean the difference between taking your car dealership to the next level of success and leading it down a road bound for failure. If you’re not using automotive live chat software as part of your marketing efforts, you are not engaging your website visitors as much as you could be. Even worse, you are very likely losing up to 98% of your visitors every day because you are not capturing all of the leads you could be using a successful and inexpensive automotive lead generation tool such as live chat.

For more resources about Automotive Live Chat or about Automotive Lead Generation please review this page

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