Sunday, 21 August 2011

Affirmations for Abundance and Prosperity

There are many positive products and ways to help inspire us to be more prosperous. Affirmations are one of the best ways to help us tune into our prosperity. I would like to emphasize the words “tune into” here. Tuning into our abundance means aligning our vibrations with things like financial abundance, great relationships, good health and work that we love. All of these things exist for you right now. Think of the many radio stations. All of them are playing even though you may be tuned into one station. Your prosperity is “playing” around you right now whether you are tuned into it or not. You may be tuned into lack, dis-ease, unhappy relationships or unfulfilling work. Regardless, prosperity in all of those areas exists for you this very moment. You bring prosperity to you by tuning into it. Tuning into our prosperity is really about taping into the Flow, the limitless abundance of the Universe. To bring prosperity to us is to align ourselves with the God Force that exists within us. This is our true power to co-Create with Source Energy anything that we desire. When we are in the Flow and we desire something, the Universe is bringing it to us in its own way. Being in the Flow is being receptive to receiving. It is the mastering the art of allowing and shaping and molding the Universe from within ourselves. Affirmations for abundance can help us tune into prosperity that exists around us, waiting for us to claim it as ours. This is really important for you to get. Affirmations help us align our inner vibrations with prosperity which will then, like a magnet, draw from the Universe the very prosperity we so desire. It starts with us getting very clear about what we want. We then believe and expect we will receive the thing that we want, we do our part with the action piece and then wait with joyful anticipation as the Universe will bring prosperity to us. It is helpful to think of an affirmation as a Law of Attraction affirmation. Affirmations help us to synchronize our consciousness with the good that we deserve, creating a clear channel for the Universe to respond in a like manner. For affirmations to be effective, they must be stated in a way that you believe them. They must be stated in present tense, they must be repeated at least 21 times per sitting, and it is very beneficial to state them out loud. I recommend that you state your affirmations two or three times per day. They are best done in the morning when you get up, mid-day and right before you go to bed. When you do an affirmation this way, you are turning it into an effective Law of Attraction affirmation. This means that the Universe is doing its part to line up the people, places and things to bring prosperity to you.It is worth repeating that you must believe your affirmations. I remember when I started to use affirmations for abundance, one of them was “I am now in the process of receiving $30,000 per month.” Now, at that point in time I had not been making anything close to $30,000 per month so there was a big part of me that really did not believe I could make the money pretty quickly. It is always good to focus on your short-term goals with your affirmations. It is your short-term goals that will lead you to your long-term goals. Here are some examples of effective affirmations for abundance, health and relationships:I am now in the process of receiving $X dollars per month.I deserve to be wealthy because I create my wealth. I am now in the process of receiving work that is emotionally, physically, and financially rewarding for me. I am now in the process of attracting the perfect relationship for myself. Opportunities flow to me with ease. I am getting healthier and healthier by the minute. You can use the above Law of Attraction affirmations or create your own affirmations for abundance. The important thing is to be consistent with them. Doing them a couple of days will likely not do the trick. Remember, you are changing your internal belief system and patterns of thought that have existed within you for many years. Patience and persistence are the keys. Using affirmations for abundance, Law of Attraction affirmations and positive products such as Prosperity Wristbands will help you tune into your prosperity that already exists and is waiting for you to claim it.

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