Wednesday, 16 November 2011

How to control STD and list of STDs

Sexually transmitted diseases or more commonly known as STDs are generally passed on through any kind of sexual activities. It may be vaginal, oral or anal sex. It is easily passed on to others who are sexually active. Other risk factors are having multiple sex partners, frequent change in sex partners and unprotected sex.Getting tested for STDs is the best way to control STDs. You can find free clinics for STD testing. They may be able to offer emotional support before and after testing. One way to treat STD immediately is to take the test and consult a doctor. If you and your partner have a good relationship, it is recommended that you get tested together for STDs. Using condoms when having sex is the another important thing to control STD.Some common symptoms of STDs are pain during sex and urination, watery and abnormal discharge, itching, strong odor of discharge, sores, blisters, lumps, bumps, weight loss, fatigue and headaches. For women, some STDs may show more and much painful than in men. These include lower abdomen pains, fever and bleeding in between menstrual periods.The following are the general types of STDs:1. Gonorrhea: A bacterial STD that remains unnoticed for long2. Genital Warts or HPV/Human Papilloma Virus: A most common STD, which is not curable so far, and just the symptoms can be controlled only.3. AIDS/HIV: It is one of the most deadly STDs. It can be transmitted through semen, vaginal secretion, blood, and breast milk.4. Chlamydia: It is one of the most common but curable STDs.5. Syphilis: This STD can lead to serious complications if not treated in time.6. Mycoplasma Genitalium: This STD has surpassed gonorrhea in prevalence. Its symptoms are not easy to identify.7. HSV/Herpes: A viral STD. It is recognized as HSV1 and HSV2.8. Hepatitis/HBV: There are many types of hepatitis but the one that is considered a STD is hepatitis B, HBV.9. BV/Bacterial Vaginosis: It infects when the healthy bacteria in vagina disappear and different organisms inhabit the area.The spread of STDs may be controlled if people will just practice preventive measures. One may practice abstinence to make sure that no sexually transmitted disease will infect him or her.Today, there are dating sites specifically for STD positive people. These sites may give hope to those who fear of rejection. Many people are getting depressed about the fact that they have a sexually transmitted infection. STD Dating Groups allows you keep your identity in secret while you’re getting to know a potential partner, without giving out any personal information.For more information visit:STD Dating Online

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