Happiness is one of those words that are thrown around like blowing leaves. Everyone says they want to be happy and yet very few people can describe exactly what happiness is. Even the dictionary seems obscure about the true meaning of happiness. In this article we’ll cover what happiness is and the steps to attaining that elusive feeling.
Having worked with and spoken with hundreds of people on the issue of happiness, those who have it and those who don’t, I’ve noticed a specific pattern. When you ask most people if they are happy, they’ll tell you “Sure. Everything is going OK.” The problem is when someone says they want happiness they often believe happiness is akin to contentment. Contentment is the feeling that everything is good or is going well. People who are truly happy experience happiness differently. True happiness is excitement about the life you have chosen to live.
If you notice, I wrote above, “the life you have chosen to live.” People who are truly happy have accepted that they are in charge of life. Yes they’ve had bad things happen to them. Many people I’ve met who are truly happy have had difficult lives full of abuse, disappointment, illnesses, and traumatic loss. The difference between these people and others who are just content, are the happy people have decided to use a specific philosophy. They live their lives at cause.
Living your life at cause is the first step towards happiness. Living at cause means accepting that bad things are going to happen in life. They happen all of the time. Most people blame other people, God, the government or just plain bad luck. People who experience true happiness accept that a bad thing has happened without blame and ask themselves what they can learn from the experience. They take ownership of their own life and feel incredible control and happiness for this decision.
Probably the most interesting aspect of living at cause, is these truly happy people have let go of the fear of living. They take risks that others fear. They leave their comfort zones and seek out growth and excitement because they no longer fear being a victim. They feel in control of their lives. These people accept that life is full of challenge and each challenge brings them new opportunities and experiences. Situations in life that make them feel alive and happy.
These techniques are powerful but they are not enough. There are still more happiness techniques you need to acquire to move from fear to success in your life.
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