Saturday, 12 November 2011

How Do You Get Rid of Eczema

If your skin is getting dry, itchy and irritating, you must be concern as these are clear symptoms of eczema! Natural home remedies for eczema can be very effective since they treat the whole of the problem i.e. by eating the correct foods (that are beneficial anyway) and applying natural ingredient based lotions you will be improving every aspect of your immune system and begin healing your eczema the right way. 1. Harsh Cleaning Products – Harsh cleaning products also have the potential of triggering eczema flare-ups. Whether they come in direct contact with the skin or are inhaled (my toddler only has to smell cleaning supplies in the home and it will cause her eyes to water and burn, immediately followed by itchy and flared skin), they too can cause adverse reactions in the eczema sufferer.

2. Flaxseed oil is a common herbal supplement that can be used to treat eczema. Those suffering from eczema often have difficulty metabolizing fats. Flaxseed oil is composed of omega-3 fatty acids, which means that it can help keep the skin healthy and assist the body with digestion. 3. Baths are recommended over showers to people who have eczema as the bathing will help infuse your skin with more liquids than a shower will. When having a bath ensure you keep the temperature lukewarm. Also try to avoid the use of perfumed products like bubble baths. You may want to use emollient bath oils in place of bubble baths to help infuse your skin with moisture. When you are finished bathing ensure you pat yourself dry and avoid vigorously rubbing your skin. 4. There are various causes of eczema and the main cause is allergic. If the source of your eczema is allergic, then honey can be used effectively to ease the symptom. If you use honey to relieve your eczema symptom, you must make sure that the honey you use is raw honey, not blended honey that you can find in various snack foods. 5. The best way to avoid illness is to prevent it as much as possible. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, exercise, take vitamins, and take a pro-biotic. These are steps you can take to keep illness at bay (this applies to caregivers children who suffer from eczema as well). 6. Gamma-linolenic acid is another popular herbal supplement for eczema. GLA is a fatty acid that can be extracted from evening primrose oil, licorice root, chamomile or borage oil. 7. If you get itchy spots on your skin, try to use antihistamines or anti-inflammatory creams. These will help you keep the symptoms of extremely itchy skin in check. As with all treatments of any disease it is advised that you consult your physician before starting any type of eczema treatment. If you tend to take showers instead of baths you may want to reconsider. Author is an online medical researcher on eczema treatment and skin care. Click read more on eczema treatment, acne treatment.

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Get, Rid, of, Eczema,

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