Friday, 11 November 2011

History of the Video Console Gaming Systems Through Seven Generations

A video gaming system is an interactive electronic device which is used for playing video games on a personal computer.The honor of being the first video console game lies with the Magnavox Odyssey which was invented by Ralph H. Baer in 1972. This game met with only moderate success and was soon succeeded in popularity by ‘Pong’ which was an arcade game which was released by Atari. Therefore, these two games along with their close successors like Odyssey 100, Odyssey 200, Smash and Sears which formed the first generation of video console gaming systems in the world. This was followed by the second generation games in 1976 and these were equipped with the Video Entertainment System (VES) which comprised of cartridges along with ROM to store instructions.The third generation of the video console gaming systems emerged after a long hiatus in 1983 after having witnessed two major crashes. This generation marked the advent of the Japanese company Nintendo into the market in form of NES, Nintendo entertainment system in 1985 as well as its hit game the Super Mario Bros. The fourth generation did not witness the release of any particular game but saw an improvement in the storage capacity as well as technology with regards to the video console games. The fifth generation video console games were the Atari Jaguar, 3DO, the Nintendo 64, PlayStation by Sony as well as the Sega Saturn.The sixth generation was probably the most revolutionary generation with regards to the video console gaming industry as it was during this generation that the DVDs were used for storage for the first time in the game media. It was also during this generation that three of the most popular video console games were released namely PS2 by Sony, Xbox by Microsoft and GameCube by Nintendo. These video console games were further advanced in the current generation namely the seventh generation but have still retained their popularity as the most sought-after gaming consoles in the world. The prominent gaming consoles in the seventh, which also happens to be the latest, generation are the PS3 by Sony, the Xbox 360 by Microsoft and the Wii by Nintendo.

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