If baby doesn’t sleep too well at night, you may try repositioning his or her crib or bed to face his or her personal Sheng Qi location. You can make use of our free Gua Calculator to discover this auspicious location. The personal Sheng Qi happens to be the most auspicious location for each individual, so go ahead and let your precious little one enjoy good Feng Shui too.Once you’ve identified your baby’s Sheng Qi, position the crib or bed to face this location.Here’s another good pointer for crib or bed positioning in the bedroom – it should not be against a window or be directly in line with a door.Play with colors to help your child enjoy peaceful, deep and stimulating sleep. As we know, babies and toddlers thrive on a good night’s sleep, hence calming Yin colors such as blues and greens will be perfect for the little one’s room. Bright yellows, reds and other Yang colors are not very auspicious for babies and toddlers, but will definitely suit older children better.You may also use white-based colors for your baby’s room, but this is not a particularly auspicious Feng Shui color – how about playing with light beiges or off-white instead? For lighting, keep it neither too dark nor bright during the day – this will also comfort your child.Keep your baby’s bedroom spotlessly clean! Moms and dads probably understand the importance of cleanliness and good hygiene in babies’ bedrooms, but in Feng Shui terms cleanliness is also conducive to good Qi (pronounced chee), or energy. You may even go a step further and place faceted crystals in the bedrooms to further help break up and disperse Shar Qi – this then allows positive Qi to enter and meander, giving your child a wonderful sense of well-being. Of course, crystals are not particularly baby- and child-friendly objects so remember to place these items on an elevated height!Beware of poison arrows! These are harmful structures that actually send out ‘killing energy’ to occupants of the home, and it is said that babies and toddlers are more susceptible to the negative effects of poison arrows. If your child constantly falls ill or has a strange sickly disposition, I would seriously recommend you to examine the bedroom thoroughly, and take note of any structures that are pointy or sharp. Look out the window too, and see if there are any pointing structures outside of your home directed towards your child’s bedroom.For interior poison arrows, you can easily remove the offending structure. If this is not possible, hang a baby mobile or pretty, tinkling wind chime between the poison arrow and your baby’s crib or child’s bed. This will ‘soften’ the blow, and keep baby safe. For poison arrows that are from the outside of your home, hang a Bagua above your child’s bedroom window outside the home for the best Shar Qi minimization.Wallpapers or picture frames of nature scenes or animals are always a wonderful, uplifting idea for babies’ or toddlers’ rooms. But, do take heed of what you mount on these walls – for nature scenes, avoid overly Water element images such as lagoons, waterfalls and such since they can actually harm your child, making them prone to weak, ‘watery’ chests. For animal images, avoid overly Yang animals such as predatory cats, reptiles and dinosaurs – even if they’re cartoon-cute! These animal images might cause your child to be restless and fitful during sleep.Shelves, cupboards and other storage structures above the baby’s crib or toddler’s bed is never a good idea. This may send off poison arrows towards your child, plus it is a safety hazard.Let your child enjoy the benefits of the Maitreya! The Maitreya, or Laughing Buddha, is a strong symbol of benevolence, happiness and joy. Decorate your baby or toddler’s bedroom with just one Buddha figurine to keep him or her smiling and content.Do you like these Tips? Dragon-Gate.com sends monthly Feng Shui Tips newsletters to its members. To read past Feng Shui Tips, click here.
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