Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Fast Audio Streaming – The Benefits of Fast Audio Streaming

If there’s anything that can bog down a website, it’s streaming audio. This normally happens when the server used by the website has small bandwidth. Another possible reason is uncompressed audio-meaning, the audio file wasn’t optimized (in terms of file quality) for use on the Web. Finally, a very big audio file (in terms of file size) was uploaded instead of cutting it into smaller files.Uploading an audio streaming feature in your website can be profitable for your enterprise. However, there’s always a right way in the use of technology. Obviously, if you take means to check your server for its compatibility and features for audio streaming and, didn’t cut and compress your actual audio file, chances are your website’s visitors are having an unpleasant time browsing your website. Unhappy website visitors will never convert to profits for any website owner.Just imagine what your website visitors could be missing if you’ve uploaded a audio streaming file that’s meant to welcome visitors to the site and orient them of the site’s features and contents or brief them of your products and services! If you have slow audio streaming when visitors open your website, what normally happens is that the audio is choppy and stops every so often-which is quite irritating and hard to understand!Or consider how a site visitor would feel if you placed an audio streaming of the website’s content to aid them from not reading anymore but the audio is so slow that the visitor was able to read the page’s content even before the audio is half-loaded? It would make the feature useless, wouldn’t it?It could be worse if you’re providing online audio tutorials! The visitor would probably just close your website! Thus, you not only lost a potential sale, you also lost a potential repeat-visitor to your website.

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