Crochet Magazines provide a fun way to discover new crochet patterns and designers. Whether in print or online, magazines offer a collection of patterns, tutorials and information that are helpful to any crocheter. Some magazines focus on traditional techniques and styles while others offer a contemporary angle on crochet and design. Crochet magazines range from those that contain housewares, toys, and children’s clothing to couture fashion, accessories and trendy garments. Certain crochet magazines lean one way or the other while some others try to incorporate a mixture of subjects. Either way, you can expect to find about 18 – 24 unique patterns per issue plus articles, interviews, tutorials and reviews.Interweave Crochet is one of my favorites. It often features modern crochet sweaters, wire jewelry, and beautiful lacy shawls in addition to crochet hook and yarn reviews, interviews with designers, etc. Interweave Crochet is also accompanied by it’s e-zine counterpart, Crochet Me which features free patterns and tutorials online.Crochet! Magazine is one of the more traditional magazines with patterns for sweaters, purses, pillows, afghans, children’s clothing and accessories. They are affiliated with Annie’s Attic and the Crochet Guild of America, members of which receive a free subscription to the magazine.Crochet Today! magazine tends to fall somewhere in the middle of traditional and contemporary. The latest issue includes several home decor crochet patterns as well as toys, accessories and sweaters. Their online counterpart includes a blog that combines information from sister magazine Knitting Today!There are several other crochet magazines available but these are perhaps the most popular. In addition to the regular print magazines there are also many noteworthy crochet e-zines. These online only magazines are a great alternative to print magazines because they are often free or offer the option to only purchase the patterns that you want to use. Also, with e-zines there is no such thing as “out of print” as patterns from back issues are available online any time. Some e-zines publish monthly or quarterly issues like a printed magazine would while others publish patterns one at a time throughout the year. E-zines also tend to be focused toward a smaller niche. Some are for more advanced crocheters while some focus on accessories or modern trends.If you are wondering whether to subscribe to a crochet magazine and if so, which one, my advice is to check them out at a book store first or browse their website. Once you get a feel for each magazine and determine that you’re likely to use many of the patterns it is worth while to subscribe since you will save money versus buying each issue off the shelve. However, if you find that very few patterns appeal to you, you might be better off just purchasing individual magazines when they feature a pattern that you wish to use.
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